Dobro došli u Svjetski tjedan poduzetništva, našu proslavu u 180 država s 40 tisuća događaja koji objedinjuju poduzetnički duh.
Ove ćemo godine početi kampanju Poduzetničkog svjetskog prvenstva, gdje ćemo između 103 tisuće prijava za treninge, mentorstvo i nezaboravno životno iskustvo, odabrati 100 finalista, kako bi se svi oni mogli vratiti u svoje zemlje nadahnuti da budu lideri svoga poduzetničkog ekosustava.
Proslavit ćemo i naše kreatore politika, prosvijetljene vlade koje sad ulažu značajnije napore u raspravama o tome kako ukloniti prepreke u poduzetništvu.
Proslavit ćemo sve graditelje naših ekosustava, naše edukatore!
Hvala što ste dio ove kampanje i pratite ostatak kampanje na Twitteru, Facebooku i Instagramu. #GEW2019
Želim Vam dobru zabavu i ugodan ostatak Tjedna poduzetništva!
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019.
Welcome to global entrepreneurship week, our celebration in 180 nations with 40 thousand events of the entrepreneurial spirit.
This year we will be kicking off this campaign with an entrepreneurship world cup, where we will bring together 100 finalists out of 103 thousand applications for training, mentorship, and for an empowering experience so that they can come to your countries with the inspiration to be leaders in your entrepreneurial ecosystem.
We will also celebrate our policymakers, the enlightened governments that are now thinking more smartly about how to remove barriers to entrepreneurship. We will celebrate the ecosystem builders, we will celebrate our educators.
So, thanks for being a part of this campaign and follow the rest of the campaign on Twitter or Facebook and Instagram. #GEW2019
Have a great week and have fun!